Become an instant quantum expert – or work out what you don’t know
Richard Feynman is supposed to have said “If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don’t understand quantum mechanics.” Well if you’ve ever wanted to test out that idea, your opportunity is at hand. New Scientist is presenting Instant Expert – The Quantum World, a one-day masterclass in Sydney that will guide you through “this intriguing and often bizarre world”.
The day is presented by six leading experts in quantum physics, including Andrea Morello, Michael Biercuk and Howard Wiseman, along with host Sumit Paul-Choudhury (Editor-in-Chief of New Scientist). It is a full day at UNSW on Saturday October 22.
Topics covered will include:
- An introduction to quantum weirdness
- Unraveling the enigma of time using quantum mechanics
- Using quantum physics to power technology
- Unusual quantum processes in nuclear reactions
- Quantum computing – what’s in it for you?
The ticket price is you get in early is $199 (includes lunch); if you miss out on the early-bird sale the price jumps to $299.
And if you’re not sure quantum physics is for you, how about we end with another Fenynman quote…
Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.