Wow, YOW! Women in Tech competition is a fine idea
I must admit that I hadn’t heard of YOW! conferences until yesterday; but I do like their newest initiative to get more women involved in speaking at their developer events.
According to their website “The mission with YOW! is to build the next generation of IT leaders and encourage excellence and innovation amongst the Australian development community.” Over the last few years over 18,000 people have been to YOW!
They’ve now launched a Women in Tech competition…
In line with our ongoing commitment to increasing the diversity of speakers at YOW, we are actively looking for more talented women speakers for our events in 2015!
Enter our Women in Tech Competition for the chance to win a full day speaker training with Speaking expert Damian Conway AND the opportunity to showcase your talents by speaking at a YOW! event in 2015!
To hear more about Damian Conway and get some simple and effective tips on how to be the best speaker you can be join us in our next YOW! Night in October.
The Women in Tech Competition is open for women only and is part of our efforts to encourage more gender diversity in speakers. To enter the contest send us a 200 word abstract and brief bio on a technical topic you would like to share with our YOW! community!
All entries will be assessed by an independent committee including representatives from FITT, Lambda Ladies and Girl Geek Sydney as well as the YOW! PC.
Help us spread the word and refer the competition to the great women Tech or innovators you know!
Join us at YOW! 2014 to hear and network with top international speakers, including 8 amazing women speakers!
Competition ends Friday 30th of January 2015.
See the website for more.