Free programming workshop for high school girls

gpn_rebuildThere’s a  a free workshop for high school girls on Sunday the 10th of November, run by The Girls’ Programming Network (GPN). The feedback from girls who have attended previous GPN events has been very positive.

GPN is run though the National Computer Science School at the University of Sydney and the workshop will be held from 10am to 4pm in the undergraduate labs at the School of IT, University of Sydney.  They will also provide lunch, snacks and chocolate, thanks to sponsors including CSIRO, Google, NICTA,, Optus, WiseTech Global and NSW Trade and Investment.

In this workshop they say: “we’ll be looking at text generation with Python programming, exploring concepts of artificial intelligence – can we train a computer to do your homework?  We’ll go through a few programming concepts and brush up on our Python-fu. Students do not require any programming experience to participate!”

The GPN is run by girls and for girls. The tutors are a mix of University IT students (from University of Sydney and others) as well as professional software engineers.

For more information  visit:  or complete the online registration form. [As I write this the main page link appears not to work, but the registration for does and you can look at their Facebook page.]

Image: NCSS.

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