Ultimo Science Festival is only a month away
It’s only a month until the Ultimo Science Festival. I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again, I love the Science Festival.
The Festival program has a lot of very cool stuff for adults and teenagers (there’s not much going if you’re under 14 though). Some of the highlights that stand out for me are:
- The Big Night of Science has Adam Spencer presenting his famous TED talk on prime numbers and ABC TV’s Ruben Meerman presenting the Science of Crowds and Cocktails.
- There are a series of Curator Tours behind the scenes at the Powerhouse. The Nerd Alert tour sounds particularly interesting as it features the intriguing handheld calculator designed in a German concentration camp by a Jewish prisoner.
- Science becomes a laughing matter in a night of stand-up science comedy.
There are many more events, shows and exhibitions. For all the gory details see the Festival web site.