Monet and the ewok

This short video shows Renoir, Degas and Monet in action all to a backing track of Debussy playing one of his own pieces. That’s an outstanding cultural confection. You see Renoir and Monet painting and the almost blind Degas walking down a street. Renoir looks to be having such fun with his painting. The highlight for me, I must admit, is seeing Monet, one of my favourite artists, painting in his own garden at Givenchy. The video is well worth three minutes of your time.

I’m wondering if I’ve established enough cultural credibility to get away with the next observation… I could not avoid noticing that Monet bears a startling resemblance to an ewok with a hat on. [Am now formally slapping myself on the wrist for that level of disrespect.]

Video via Open Culture.


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