More LARP in Sydney

Live Action Role Playing (LARP) is a truly geeky activity. It requires commitment, a sense of fun, and an exuberant interest in what you’re doing.

For quite some time Swordcraft has been talking about setting up a chapter in Sydney, but it doesn’t seem to be moving beyond an idea. I thought that was all until a couple of recent correspondents pointed out that there is more going on.

Battlecry is very much an up-and-running thing. Based in Rockdale they have regular events, a nice fantasy backstory, and a good set of rules -which is important when you’re hitting each other. “Battlecry gives players the excitement, customization options and creative freedom that video games can give you, with addition of raw action, adrenaline, and community that it can’t.”

There is also Scy’kadia: “Scy’kadia is a Live Action Roleplay Group operating out of Rooty Hill in Sydney, Australia. Our events run fortnightly (barring major conflicting events) & our LARP events aim to seamlessly blend high-fantasy storytelling with fun & energetic combat sport. You play however you wish, so long as the tale continues…” 

So if you’re tempted to don leathers and take that sword down from above the fireplace and go into battle again, or to fight the good fight for the first time, you know where to look.

2 thoughts on “More LARP in Sydney

  • November 28, 2018 at 3:22 pm

    I love Battlecry! It was such a blast! Heaps of action, and the people there were so supportive and friendly. I’ve only recently got into LARPing, but I think it’s something ill need to find more time for! If you’ve never done it before, come down and give it a go!

  • September 19, 2019 at 6:59 pm

    Ìf you have yet to try LARP, or are interested in seeing what it’s all about. Come on down to Battlecry LARP. The Group is growing in number, hosting games with around 100 players total in 3 locations over New South Wales; Sydney – Rockdale, Central Coast – Morissett, and Wollongong!

    Come and join this amazing community of people! You can find us of Facebook!


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