Nerd Nite says ‘That’s so gay’ the right way
How can you go past an event that describes itself as “We Think. We Drink”? You can’t and that’s Nerd Nite. The latest Nerd Nite is all Mardi Gras themed cleverness. I’ll let them explain…
NERDS ASSEMBLE!!! If you are a fan of TED Talks, Wikipedia binges, and drinking, Come along to Nerd Nite Sydney! We’re stoked to be drinking at thinking at the fantastic Friend In Hand Pub in Glebe now on the third Tuesday of each month. Activist Tiernan Brady (the man who helped make Ireland Gay again) explains how a minority can win a majority. Academic Victoria Rawlings tells us why we shouldn’t call school kids ‘gays’ or ‘sluts’, and ‘Queer Wars’ writer Jonathan Symons muses on the international polarisation of gay rights.
WHEN: Tuesday 21st March. Doors open at 6:30 for a 7pm start.
WHERE: Friend In Hand Pub 58 Cowper Street, Glebe.
TICKETS: General entry is $12, buy tickets here, limited tickets on the door.
Victoria Rawlings
Schools are supposed to be a place where all students feel safe. Unfortunately, the reality is that they are often places where ‘fitting in’ means avoiding being ‘different’ at all costs. In this talk, Victoria Rawlings will talk about the integral part that gender and sexuality play in the social lives of young people – particularly at school. We’ll discuss moments of gender ‘regulation’, including insults like ‘gay’ and ‘slut’ at school – and what these moments mean and achieve.
Jon Symons
Is the world increasingly polarised between countries that support gay rights, and countries that oppose them? If so, how should advocates of gay rights respond? Jon Symons shows how despite a strong long-term trend toward liberalisation, national laws, positions on ‘gay rights’ and even public attitudes toward homosexuality have become increasingly divided over the last decade.
Tiernan Brady
Tiernan Brady is the Executive Director of Australians for Equality. Previously he was the policy officer of GLEN – The Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, Ireland’s leading LGBTI organisation. He was the Political Director of Yes Equality, which led the referendum campaign for civil marriage equality in Ireland. He designed and implemented the political strategy of the campaign that made Ireland the first country in the world to enshrine marriage equality in its constitution by referendum. He led the delegation in favour of equal civil marriage to the Irish Constitutional Convention which led to the referendum being established.