It’s Geek Pride Day tomorrow. No really.
I’m not sure that geeks really require a day for being proud; but, given there is one, it would be remiss of me to fail to point out that day is tomorrow: 25 May.
Not much happens locally apart from the usual cringe-inducing, stereotype-reinforcing articles in the press. Last year though the Day did get a mention in Parliament which I’ll quote below. The ellipsis covers his quoting of the geek pride manifesto created some years ago in Spain. A document so awful that I refuse to quote or link to it. I do like Peter Phelps’ final line though, it’s so lovely to be endowed with “general awesomeness”.
Today I raise a matter of most serious importance. Today is Geek Pride Day, which is an initiative that claims the right of every person to be a nerd or a geek. It has been celebrated on 25 May since 2006, honouring the premiere of the first Star Wars film on that date in 1977. It shares the same day as three other science fiction fan holidays—Towel Day, for fans of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy; Star Wars Day, as previously mentioned; and the Glorious 25 May, for fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
Geeks and geekettes, today, on this most glorious of days, the world salutes you and bows down before your general awesomeness.
The Hon Peter Phelps MLC, Member of the Legislative Council
NSW Parliament House, Macquarie Street Sydney
On a far more practical level, last year Kinokuniya offered anyone wearing a towel 20% off their book purchases. To quote the immortal words… “There’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.”
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