The BiG Day In – IT careers for high school students

big-day-inThe, strangely capitalised but otherwise brilliant, BiG Day In is a careers conference for students in years 9-12 interested in technology.

The 2017 BiG Day In IT Careers Conference is on on Tuesday 28 March 2017 in the Great Hall at UTS. It’s a great way to get an insight into technology careers.

If you say ‘technology career’ to most high school students they immediately think ‘make a game’ or ‘make the next Facebook’. It’s important as they progress through high school that they get some idea of the range of opportunities available in the technology space. Opportunities that can be both more varied and more realistically exciting than the obvious ‘build a game app’ approach.

Tickets are available now, for $10, although the agenda has not been finalised. Teachers can attend free, and schools can be invoiced for group bookings.

More details on the website.


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