93 Made Games shows local tabletop game design is rolling sixes
Did you know there’s a tabletop game design company and distributor in northern Sydney? I didn’t, until I stumbled upon 93 Made Games at PAX Aus.
93 Made Games started out designing tabletop games. I haven’t actually played any of their games yet but they get good reviews from the professionals. Their latest game, which is heading for Kickstarter soon, is No Fish:
You and your fellow fishermen are having a whale of a time on the high seas. The fish are literally jumping into your boats. So many fish are landing on deck that your boats are beginning to overload and capsize. The only way to tackle this fishy situation is to release all of the fish you’ve caught before you take a trip to Davy Jones’ locker. The winner is the first fisherman to release all their fish. Good luck and let cod be with you!
In addition to developing their own games, 93 Made Games distributes the following Australian designed and published games – these are the sort of wonderful creations you’re not yet likely to find on the shelves of your local department store:
- NinjitZoo by Blue Room Games
- Pack of Heroes by Adventureland Games
- El Luchador Fantastico Grande by Senyac Games
- One Zero One by Grail Games
- Elevenses by Grail Games
- Too Many Cinderellas by Grail Games
- Matcha by Grail Games
- Guns & Steel by Grail Games
- Pocket Sports by Pocket Sports Australia
It’s great to see such cool geeky goings-on in Sydney. You can, and really should, find the 93 Made Games website here.
They had a table at the Toy and Game Expo last year which is where my wife and I picked up Viewpoint!
They are great guys!