Science comedy show starts Monday

that'll learn you
That’ll Learn You
is a live panel show, “bringing together the best academic and comedic brains in a battle of wits where the winner is always learning”.

Lecturer and stand-up Dr Justine Rogers (UNSW, Nerd Nite, TEDx) leads two teams for a heady wrangle of facts and giggles. The show will “explore two mind-boggling topics in a quest to get you grasping the seemingly ungraspable”. It covers everything from science and academia in the news and social media, while poking fun at the challenges of science communication in a celeb-saturated world. All this on top of two enlightening mini-lectures from two leaders in their fields.

September’s theme is Mars versus Maths and will feature Dr Jon Clarke and Jazz Twemlow wersus Simon Pampena and Alex Lee.

Topic one: “Why go to Mars?”
Dr Jon Clarke, President of Mars Society Australia, is joined by comedian Jazz Twemlow (The Roast, the Guardian Oz) to explain why we should go to Mars.

Topic two: “What do Mathematicians Do?”
Simon Pampena, leading maths communicator and Australian Numeracy Ambassador, will be joined by comedian Alex Lee (The Roast, ABC News 24) to explain the hardest high school maths problem of the 90s to reveal the creative power of maths.

That’ll Learn You is on Monday 8 September at 7.30 at the GIANT DWARF THEATRE 199 Cleveland St Redfern. Tickets are $20 from

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