A 3D printer for Father’s Day

You know 3D printing is becoming mainstream when you local sciencey-toy shop offers the Makerbot Replicator as part of its Father’s Day catalogue.
Professor Plum’s in Crows Nest is selling a Makerbot for $2,450; there are local specialist stores selling it for less Bilby CNC for example. But that’s not really the point, Professor Plum’s is a local retail shop albeit with a wonderful geeky bent. To be able to get your 3D printer in a local shop is the thin edge of widespread availability.
I’d have to increase the kid’s pocket-money, or they’d have to be significantly more successful in their attempts to hack into the Reserve Bank, before I’m getting one of these for Father’s Day 2012. But in a few more years; who knows?
I do love Professor Plum’s (see my article on serendipitous shopping and on their window display) but their website is pretty woeful and doesn’t include the Replicator. If you are interested in having a look you’ll have to go into the shop.