Getting into Australian Engineering Week

I’ve only just discovered Engineers Australia with their tag-line “If you can imagine it, Engineers make it so”. And I also just discovered that next week is Australian Engineering Week.

There’s an eclectic mix of events planned all around the country from high teas through to talks and tours. The organisers have high expectations: “Whether your six-year old daughter is a budding engineer, you’re a keen amateur or a seasoned pro, Australian Engineering Week will surprise and delight you with the range of events on offer.” A few local events particularly caught my attention:

Full details are on the Engineers Australia website. Make it so, Mr Engineer.

3 thoughts on “Getting into Australian Engineering Week

  • November 16, 2012 at 11:30 pm

    Hello is there anything like this in Melbourne. I have a 12 year son who is very much into engineering.

    thank you

  • December 21, 2012 at 6:04 pm

    EA has some very fine events which students of all education levels can participate in. Great to see EA targeting students in younger grades, hoping to stir in interest while they are still young and getting a greater perspective on engineering.


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